Monday, November 30, 2009

Is anyone really good ?

I sit here upset, I've been hurt yet again..Is anyone Truly good ?
I am always the better person and try to care about everyone around me and it seems that I'm the only one being hurt. I try to never change, but people around me always do, this time it took five years and my friend showed me his true selfish colours.What do I do now ? I can't be the same around him, he is truly selfish and even admits can we live in a world were people can hurt others and make them feel guilty about it. Why am I always in pain, I feel other people's hurts all the time, I try to empathize with everyone. I wonder if Jesus felt this way about humanity ? (I'm no Jesus by any sense but I try to WWJD. Did we let him down ? Is earthly life one big struggle on purpose ?
I'm so lost at people's selfishness and ulterior motives, It really scares me ....

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