Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm still looking for the good people but last night I was robbed, Christmas Presents and other things (North York)

This goes out to the person/people who broke into my garage last night and stole my baby daughter's Christmas presents, Christmas cards/cash, my small business cash float, Gps unit, school bag and even my cologne. What goes around comes around, I learned my lesson not to leave my things in my locked car in my locked Garage. I understands times are tough but we are lucky to live in the greatest country in the world, We have many programs, where else can we lose our jobs and get a paycheque(UI), even if times are even rougher we have welfare, Osap, etc. Oh well, time to rebuild, I'm sad and upset but I try to look at all the things we are fortunate to have, hey I have a car and a house. If you find it in the goodness of your heart, please break back in, return the stuff and lockup on the way out and no questions will be asked, may the Lord forgive those who do not know.

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